Tag Archives: The Medlov Family

Connecting My Many Blogs: Picking One Place To Post Everything


bwI have a small shop; I’ll admit it. But I listen to each and every suggestion with a serious ear.  Lately, I’ve been getting emails from readers wanting several things (1) one website (2) one blog (3) fan page on Facebook.


Great news is that I’m working on each one of those items.  Bad news is that it’s going to take me at least a month to get it all done.  However, you can’t eat an elephant in one big bite…you know that whole saying.  So, the first step that I’m taking to streamline everything so that you don’t have to run all over the Internet looking for me is our blog.
In the past, I’ve found that not all readers are created equal. Some like to talk about the Medlov family and some like to talk about The Lonely Heart Series and others like to Ivy & Nicola.  So to keep the discussions separate, I always started a new blog for a new book.  However, now that the books have become 15 in total, then I think I need to bring us all together.  Power in numbers, right?


So that’s exactly what I’m doing.  Starting today, all blogs will be posted on one site.  www.latrivianelson.wordpress.com.   This will allow us the opportunity to keep all conversations together and maybe even provide more insight.  Now, I will not deactivate old blogs, because your previous shares on there and they are priceless, especially comments from  our late, great Rhonda Scales.


I hope that this new move brings us all closer together to share and be merry.
XoXo and all that jazz,
Latrivia S. Nelson
